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About Our Memory, Our Community Archive

Middlesex County has a rich history of courage, innovation, conflict and resilience. Those stories have shaped our character and identity as a community. Unfortunately, most of us only knows about stories connected to our immediate family and culture. As the college of Middlesex County, we want to foster an understanding of all stories. In that way, we all develop a better understanding of our memory, our history and our community. A beautiful element: all stories and records have been created by students taking history courses at our college. Besides learning history, our students learn from our Librarians to create records and made them available to the public. Middlesex has thousands of stories to tell. Here there are some for you to enjoy.


Immigrant Stories: New to Middlesex County: Image of immigrant family

Immigrant Voices:
New to Middlesex County

Our History Makers Oral History Collection - Image of staff from Thomas Edison's Workshop

Our History Makers

Our Places Collection: Image of a location in Middlesex County

Our Places



Cristóbal Espinoza-Wulach, History Faculty

Marilyn Ochoa, Library Director

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